Relief from allergies is possible

Your allergies are impacting your everyday life

The irritated eyes, annoying runny nose, or scratchy throat are getting old…

You’re tired of your painful allergy symptoms but nothing brings you relief…

You don’t want to continue tiptoeing through life worried about your next allergy flare-up.

lady blowing her nose

You’re fed up with just managing symptoms with medication 

The endless cycle of suffering with symptoms and taking medication only to have the symptoms return is getting old.

Symptoms like:

Irritated eyes
Runny nose
Postnasal drip
And more

Is there any way to get long-term relief from allergy pain?

ENT South provides lasting allergy relief

We understand how frustrating it is when allergies run your life. In fact, we see patients every day just like you.

Patients who think there is nothing that can give them lasting allergy relief.

However, at ENT South we offer several treatments that provide long-term relief. You no longer have to let allergies run your life.

woman standing outdoors suffering from allergies

Allergy Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is an allergy treatment that can provide lasting relief by training the body to stop reacting to your specific allergens. The main method we use at ENT South is called Sublingual Allergy Drops.

Allergy drops

Unlike traditional immunotherapy (shots), drops are more convenient. You don’t have to go to the office once a week and get pricked. Instead, you just put a drop under your tongue on your own time.

With allergy drops you will experience:

Fewer doctor visits
Less time away from work or school
No shots
Low chance for side effects
The convenience fof immunotherapy on your own schedule

take our Allergy quiz today

Sneezing? Irritated eyes? Runny nose? Take the Allergy Quiz now to learn more and get relief.
Check your symptoms
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